Always Wyn
Audacious Advocacy for Christ, Country, and Freedom
About Moi
I’m a lawyer living and laboring in the heartland.
The focus of my passion to advocate changed dramatically in the winter of 2011 when I gave my life to the Lord.
Since then, I've devoted my available time and creative energies to producing unique multimedia materials advocating for Christ, country, and freedom. I am fully surrendered to this endeavor.
I aspire to be
a Woman of God
a Proverbs 31 Wife
a Wonderful Parent
an Accomplished Artist and Advocate for Christ
Specifically and ultimately, I seek to evangelize on a broad basis
and in bold fashion !!
I hope you will enjoy and find some value in the unique offerings
on this site. I invite and encourage you to check-back for updates
now and again and to share anything you like with a friend.
All the Best Always,
Wyn Young